@iEn FazdLin@
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Aku nak 8A!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! huhuhu..strek ace..
Dec 13, 2010 ✿ 6:51 PM ✿ 0 Royal Person (s)
~ debor laa awk eh~
huhu..skrg ni aku mghitung ary..lau ikutkan..tinggal 9 ary lagi..
Khamis depan mnentukan cmane
aku debor tahap gaban daa ni...macam bermain dipikiran..
lau laa aku tak dapat 8a macam mana?
adakah aku akan kurungkan diri lam bilik..
huhu..entah..aku tak tau..lau boleh..
aku tak nak pikir sal rsult2 ni..aku harap lah sangat dapat 8A..
huhu..gelisah tahap kronik aku ni..nak tido pom tak lena..
adoiiyyyaaa..huhu..Ya Allah..aku memohon kepadamu..
dah 3 tahun di rantau orang..jauh dr kuarge lak tu..
just utk belaja..moge2 berbaloi..amin! insyaAllah..
~mood = debor giler2~
~ rasa = nk pitam jew~

Dashboard Follow

Princess Here

I'm Princess Ain Fazdlina . 8teen y/o . I've spend my whole year in cottage which three fairies take care of me-there.I back to my mom and dad when I was 15. Unfortunately, a bad fairy cursed me to sleep forever. I hope that someday a prince will kiss me and break this spell. Wait! I'm sleeping , how can I write? Ha! Ha! That was angan2 mat jenin. I'm so not a princess :)
Princess Ain Fazdlina

Time Machine


Thank You
Skin edit by Adsa Adam
Basecodes by Jaja
Others ; xx
skin edited by : Munn Zakaria