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LADYgaga! aku masih suka die?
Mar 17, 2011 ✿ 9:21 AM ✿ 0 Royal Person (s)
sapa tak kenal minah ni un..huhu,, dulu-dulu,,saya gilew suka lady GAGA..lagu die memang beshh the beshh arr bagi saya r..yang paling beshh Love Game n Just Nothi'g Elsa I can Say.. pastu.. dengar cite die teruk! saya terima banyak nasihat dari kawan2.. saya cuba nak try delete lagu die lam Mp tu tapi rasa berat  jew.. akirnya tinggal dua jew lagu dia dalam tuh.. sekarang ni..saya dah tak laa minat dia, tapi bila ada dengar cite sal die.. entah ,,saya rasa cam nak tau. ape pom. saya cuba buang rasa suka ni..! 

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Princess Here

I'm Princess Ain Fazdlina . 8teen y/o . I've spend my whole year in cottage which three fairies take care of me-there.I back to my mom and dad when I was 15. Unfortunately, a bad fairy cursed me to sleep forever. I hope that someday a prince will kiss me and break this spell. Wait! I'm sleeping , how can I write? Ha! Ha! That was angan2 mat jenin. I'm so not a princess :)
Princess Ain Fazdlina

Time Machine


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skin edited by : Munn Zakaria